The lunar heterotopy
december 2022
The lunar heterotopy
This scenography is based on Foucault's theory of heterotopic space. In this theory, the theater is a concrete place where an imaginary that is elsewhere is placed. By successively bringing on stage spaces directly sent into the spectator's imagination, the theater becomes a place between reality and imagination, a heterotopy. This scenography invites the spectator to enter the space of representation and, by their presence on the theatrical space, also become part of the heterotopy that is sent into their imagination. The construction of this image allows the spectator to enter the world of theater, into the utopia it reflects by breaking the fourth wall. The spectator is no longer just a critical gaze on the world perceived through the frame but is now a being, critical of the scene of which they are a part. In this space, ideas come to life and what the spectator has dreamed of can take place; this space is virgin and on the fringes of terrestrial society. The spectator is a new explorer. It is an unreal and timeless place but locatable. And this space, since it is false but composed of real people, is closer to the truth than reality is.
This project is based on the dystopian short story by James Graham Ballard called "IGH".